
330 المنتجات المتاحة

منتجات جديدة


    Découvrez notre gamme de cartes programmables et de capteurs !
    Lancez-vous dans la programmation grâce à ces éléments 100% compatibles avec les interfaces Vittascience et leurs ressources associées.

    Custom estimate

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    The option is available at the last step of the ordering process.

    دفع آمن
    بطاقة الائتمان
    حوالة بنكية
    سنتان ضمان

    On all our products. (excluding gift cards)
    See conditions.

    Programmable Boards

    22.9 €
    Micro:bit board v2
    28.9 €
    Arduino Uno R4 board
    39.6 €
    Arduino Uno R4 Wifi
    10.68 €
    Raspberry Pi Pico W (WiFi) card
    8.9 €
    Raspberry Pi Pico board
    97.2 €
    Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - 4GB
    35.88 €
    Wio Lite AI Single Board
    21.9 €
    54.6 €
    14.9 €

    Vittascience kits for micro:bit board

    Vittascience kits for Arduino board

    Vittascience kits for ST NUCLEO

    Vittascience kits for ESP32

    Vittascience kits - basic version


    57 €
    Maqueen robot for micro:bit board
    30 €
    Forklift for Maqueen robot
    43.2 €
    Cutebot smart robot
    45.9 €
    Move Mini Buggy robot for micro:bit board
    110 €
    AlphaBot2 robot
    99 €
    Maqueen Plus V2
    139 €
    Winky Robot
    9456 €
    NAO6 Robot
    838.8 €
    Blue-Bot Classroom Pack (6 Blue-Bots and Charging Dock)
    64.8 €
    SPHERO Robot Mini
    198 €
    TTS Loti-bot Robot
    140.4 €
    Blue-bot Robot
    5745.6 €
    Ned2 - Arm-robot Niryo

    Extension boards

    33.6 €
    Weather:bit Shield for micro:bit
    38.99 €
    60 programmable led ring
    42 €
    Caméra IR pour Rapsberry
    12.9 €
    Grove Base HAT Module

    Coding without computer

    Electronic Kits


    27.6 €
    Grove BME280 temperature, pressure and humidity sensor






    4.2 €
    USB-A to USB-C cable

    Alphai - Learning Robots

    78 €
    2-station license for the AlphAI robot
    516 €
    30-station license for the AlphAI robot
    570 €
    Discovery pack
    960 €
    Duo pack
    2802 €
    Team pack
    4092 €
    Class pack
    120 €
    2-station license for all robots
    816 €
    30-station license for all robots

    Models for Bordas notebooks

    Vittascience Premium subscription


    Vittascience est revendeur officiel